Bathroom Lighting and The Light Fixtures Needed
If the bathroom is designed to have windows, you can possibly supply the bathroom with natural illumination. You then need to think about the illumination after the sun set leaving only the darkness. Natural lighting or the illumination coming from the sun that passing through windows can create an airy ambiance to the room.
When the bathroom is filled with darkness, you need to install different light fixtures to provide artificial lights in the room. Bathroom lighting is divided in to three categories: general, task and accent. Working on each category properly will help you achieve a will-lit and a relaxing bathroom to where you can do your necessities with ease. And a good illumination can be achieved through proper planning.
Before you install bathroom light fixtures, decide what ambiance you want to create for your bathroom. The different forms of lighting fixtures vary in sizes, shapes, styles and designs. Thus, choosing the fixtures should be according to your taste and that they complement to the overall appearance of the bathroom.
General illumination cover the entire room with illumination. You can use ceiling-mounted fixtures such as chandelier or several recessed lights.
For the accent lighting, you can mount wall sconces or track illumination. These fixtures are used to highlight or give emphasis to the features inside the room be it a painting on the wall, an ornate mirror, an elegant wash basin or a beautiful tile work. Accent illumination gives emphasis on the interior of the bathroom.
The task luminosity should give enough illumination to the vanity area where you stand to face the mirror when applying makeup or shaving. The luminosity in this area should not cast shadow in order for you to perform the task conveniently and properly. You need to install vanity light fixtures on either of the mirror. The light should illuminate the person in front of the mirror rather than focus on the mirror. Moreover, the light should not cast shadows especially in the face and neck.
You might also need to install light fixtures on the bath and toilet area. Installing under cabinet luminosity would also be necessary to help you see the things you need easily. It can also add a decorative luminosity to the room.
Keep all the necessary factors before working on the bathroom lighting and choosing the bathroom light fixtures.