Get ready for Halloween! Kids costumes top picks – Teenager – Halloween Ideas
This is when it really gets fun. Halloween parties, costume contests, haunted houses, and much more. Its when we are teens that we really get into it. When you are younger (under 10) you are mostly just in it for the candy, right? But as a teenager you get to stay up a little later and do a few more fun things associated with Halloween. Choosing a Halloween Costume is that much more important when you have all that "peer-pressure" to get it right.
I remember every Halloween season as a teen trying to decide on whether I should follow Halloween custom and be a Skeleton or Frankenstein or maybe select something more current like my favorite TV character. I usually stuck with Halloween custom and chose to be one of the more traditional Halloween characters like Frankenstein or some type of monster.
That was twenty-five years ago for Halloween. Kids today have many more choices. Of course they can still opt for one of the traditional choices like a ghost or witch, but many choose to be one of their favorite MTV or movie characters. After reviewing many different websites for teens costumes, the following appear to be the most popular costumes that fall under the Vintage Halloween category for 2010:
When reviewing the anticipated most popular costumes other than the traditional it appears these will lead the pack:
Jersey Shores
Lady Gaga
Justin Beiber
Lindsay Lohan
…pretty much anyone who is controversial
One of the biggest challenges is to keep the costumes…appropriate. As our children get a little older they sometimes have the tendency to want to wear a costume that is a bit risqué. I really urge parents to do their best to monitor their children's costumes. Unfortunately too many bad things can happen when our kids are dressed this way. Let's just say that when people have a costume on that covers their identity they might feel they can perform actions that they normally wouldn't. Okay, off my soapbox. Halloween really is about having fun and 99% of the children will do the right thing.
The one area of concern that I have is that the cost for costumes has really gone up over the past few years. It is hard to justify paying $50-100 for a costume that they may only wear once or twice. That is why I encourage all parents to try to stay within their budget. There are many ways to save money when getting your costume. A few suggestions for finding cheap Halloween costumes are Craigslist, local thrift store, and dollar stores…or maybe a combination of these. Teens can get really creative too, sometimes borrowing costumes form their friends.
Have a great Halloween!