Make money Blogging - 5 fantastic ideas
Most importantly blogging is fun and anybody can do it no matter what their own level of internet marketing is, there is a place for them in blogging.
I have mentored many people into the blogging niche and I have learn't many amazing tips as I have watched their blogs florish. What people fail to realise when they take on blogging is that there are many ideas to get their work of art started.
Therefore here are five amazing great ideas to get your creative juices flowing:
1. Set up some niche blogs and monetise them with google adsense. Write a few pages of content and carry out some basic promotion and you will soon see those google adsense clicks mount up to generate a sizeable amount each month. Once you have finished one blog and carried out the necessary promotion simply start another. It is a cheap and easy method of generating another stream of income by making money blogging.
2. Set up a blog for a local business in your area and rent the blog to them. Use a general search term for the domain name such as and use your seo skills to get to the first page of google and then simply rent out the website to the businesses in your area.
3. Use a blog to promote affiliate programmes. This is basically the same technique as used with google adsense but this time with an affiliate programme. If you go and sign up with a website such as you will see the wide range of opportunities that are available and also take into account the well known companies that are involved in this industry. This really is a great way to make money blogging.
4. By using blogs, especially blogs, to link to your main money website is an indirect way of making money blogging. Having links back to your main website will mean that it will rise in the search engine rankings and this will have a direct effect on your money making opportunities.
5. Have a look at the auto blogging software that is available. There are a couple available on the Warrior forum at the moment with glowing reviews. These are basically a set and forget system where blog posts will be made automatically and before you know it you will have a great number of pages on your blog. If each page is monetised you could see yourself making a great deal of money blogging.
Just think of what you could do with your blog and if you don't already have one what is stopping you from jumping on board today?