Entrepreneurship the Road to Financial and Economic Freedom…

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This year 2014 South Africa celebrates two decades experience in democracy, it is clear a lot has been achieved since then. On the other hand our country is still struggling with economic inequalities challenges inherited from the very past, which hit particularly hard to the previously disadvantaged black communities. We have the political freedom and that has not yet translated to the economic freedom for most South African.

Evidently the alarmingly rate of unemployment leaves a massive gap between rich and poor, the recent 2008 recession compounded this challenge and set us ten steps back. The regular petrol hikes and the introduction of e-tolls in the Gauteng area as well as price increase on basic essentials such as food public transport and electricity, the asthmatic economic growth, hectic. There is hope to this devastating challenge and it is the enabling opportunity we have as South Africans to establish business small or big, that will not only grow our economy but that will absorb the majority of unemployed people. In this way, people will be able to participate in the growth and development of families, communities the country and ultimately our economy. This should not be done in big scales only; a well ran spaza (mini-shop) can contribute well, thinks about this a thousand of spaza businesses around the country taking two people each, the impact is great and the families that benefit from these is a seed that could potentially be a Bamboo tree.

_Aspiring entrepreneur need to identify what they are good at and enjoy doing. Claim your talents and skills you possess. Beware of your experiences they could be claimed as strengths that you could depend on while the areas you not good at you can partner with others with that skilled in those areas and we would be amazed on the things that can be achieve when people work in partnership. There are no short cuts, understanding that perseverance and personal development is key to achieve success, take a risk don't allow yourself to settle in any comfort zone, challenge yourself and remember, excuses are the absence of the desired results.

As a country we need to build and develop courageous entrepreneurs, dedicated individuals and teams in partnership to undertake and play confidently in the business space with ease. Leaders, political and otherwise should be intentional to grow and develop the entrepreneurial flair to which our country would thrive. Parallel to that we must vigorously empower the present aspiring entrepreneurs and everyone in school and out of school with this knowledge and coming generations with tools to undertake this again with ease and courage. We have to build the culture of entrepreneurship, empowering the mind and instill the mental ability to develop THE I CAN mentality; resilience and power that will not rest nor quite till successful results are attained. Thinking and acting in the entrepreneurial space must be a habitual for us to thrive in this league for both entrepreneurs and employees. This journey we need to embark on for the next twenty year planting the seed, it takes five years for a bamboo seed to give a spring yet when it does it grows in leap and bounds the stronger the roots and the foundation the stronger the tree and the greater the benefit. 1994 marks the first step towards the birth to our political freedom and now the next step is financial and economic freedom. All South Africans this is a call to commit ourselves to this goal from government, cooperate, NPO's, schools, professionals and communities out there. This we can win the legacy we shall leave its fruits will be enjoyed for years long after we have crossed over. This is a seed towards entrepreneurial excellence.
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