How To Keep The Flame
But this doesn't make love that easy. You're not even close to the starting line when you fall in love. The next challenge is for you to work things out with the person you're in love with And the next and most difficult challenge would be staying in love with each other.
Most if not all relationships start out perfectly. The problem comes afterwards when all the hype of a new relationship is over. And the sad truth is that there are a lot of couples who are not able to make it through. After a while, things become cold for them.
Keeping the love alive is really challenging. But this doesn't make it impossible. There are still a bunch of couples who make it through. They still stay strong over the years. All you have to do is put in a little effort. And here are some tips on how to do this:
Keep communication lines open
Communication is an essential element to every relationship. If you don't have effective communication, then it would be hard to start a relationship in the first place. Talk things over. Assure him that you're open to communicate by hinting subtly like sending sweet texts to him. Also try to remember that communication is a two-way thing. You also have to listen and understand his situation.
Use the element of surprise
Surprises can get you excited. Well the same is true for men as well. Preparing some surprises can also help keep him excited and into the relationship. These surprises should not really be big and expensive ones. Simple things like randomly sending sweet text messages for him would already do the trick.
Travel back through time
Another way for you to rekindle what you have is to try to go back in time when you were just starting out. Try to visit the places where you used to hang out together. You should also try to do the things you used to do together but not anymore.
Appreciate him
Above all, you have to develop that appreciation for him. Loving someone means that you learn to accept him for what he is and what he's not. Learn to accept everything about him. With this love, you will be able to conquer all.