Greetings From Gary and Tina
Our story started in a small town back in Champaign, Illinois. Gary and I met at Radio Shack during our college years. We enjoyed showing people new gadgetry and playing with the latest cell phone technology. We were both Veterans who were just released from the active duty Marines, and Army, and we instantly bonded over our crazy military stories. What we didn't know at that time was where we would end up. You see, we wanted more than to just settle down. We wanted to explore the world and to find our find ourselves. With wanting to explore new territory came the excitement of finding somewhere warmer and a city with a lot of action.
We've been living in San Diego now for a little over 3 years and truly love every minute of it. At first San Diego brought struggles and challenges for both of us, but inevitably with struggle comes a moment where you figure out what you were truly meant to do. We used what we learned in the military to start our company. The discipline of planning, setting goals, showing up on time, getting the job done we're what we were used to. We used our sales knowledge from our college days to help explain what are company is about and why we are so passionate about what we do.
Also, my passion for pure organic products was a big piece of the puzzle. I believe that impurities from pesticides and man made ingredients in our foods, bath products, and environment greatly affect our health. Also, I've always believed that society's illnesses are based on lack of nutrition and sedentary lifestyle. I'm a bit granola when it comes to how I live my life. We definitely focus on this point when creating our products and figuring what type of packaging to use.
Gary's love of inventing, researching, and precision was a perfect fit for creating our products. He's really good at researching a new product down to the smallest detail.
We love what we do and we're happy to share it with anyone who will listen. Gary and I would love to show the world why it's so important to choose bath products with natural ingredients in them so, we'll keep doing it one person at a time.
That's the story of how our little Apothecary was created...and the rest is history.