How to Treat and Control Fungus in Florida Citrus
- 1). Fill the sprayer with copper sulfate fungicide. Dilute the chemical with water according to the manufacturers recommendations.
- 2). Starting inside the canopy of the tree, thoroughly spray the trunk and all of the branching limbs. Ensure sufficient coverage of the copper sulfate by making sure the branches and trunk are wet with the fungicide.
- 3). Spray the interior of the tree all the way down to the ground. Cover the ground with the fungicide out from the trunk to about 2 feet from the tree base.
- 4). Step back from the tree and spray the entire outside of the citrus tree. Depending on the size of the tree, a step ladder may be needed to access all of the tree.
- 5). Repeat the above steps 2 to 3 times a year to treat and prevent fungus infections.