Staying Motivated With Penis Exercises Can Provide Permanent Penis Size Gains
That's because today's methods have been refined over many years & now guys are using these clinically proven methods to achieve permanent size gains of inches in most cases.
The quickest route to go is with an extender device.
However, penis enlargement exercises are less expensive than medically approved traction devices.
But a good quality device provides the same if not bigger benefits as the exercises do.
Before proven penile exercise programs such as PenisHealth, there were a few issues with staying motivated to continue a penis exercise program.
The main problem is that it takes time to start seeing size gains & most guys get bored & quit before they start to see any gains.
Since exercises do not provide immediate results, boredom quickly sets in and most guys keep wondering why they were doing this in the first place if it takes too long for size gains to come.
That just saps most guys willpower.
Some guys just don't like the idea of having to do the exercises in general.
Of course, if they believe that they will truly increase their penis size then these guys might feel a bit less lazy & do the required steps.
Other reasons that guys don't stay motivated is because gain plateaus are reached with penile enlargement exercises.
The techniques must be changed up every so often to keep size gains going forward.
Also, these exercises must be performed with proper technique & intensity.
On a final note, one must allow the penis to recover after a manual enlargement (exercise) session.
The recommended time is 2 hours but some guys will not wait it out if they are horny.
That can affect gains, though.
That's where technology has closed the gap & helped men staymotivated to stick with a penis exercise program.
DVD's now exist which show men exactly how to perform each penile enlargement technique correctly.
They also present quality tips & advice in a way that guys can easily follow along.
So you can add anywhere from 1-3" of permanent size gains if you stay motivated with penis enlargement exercises.
The trick is to find a good program with a variety of proven techniques.
Make sure you are shown exactly how to perform them correctly.
It's hard to do it right without video reinforcement, especially something as technically demanding as penis enlargement exercises.
Some extender devices come with a penile enlargement exercise DVD as part of a system.
This is the best route to go as the penis extender device does the most work & then you use the exercises to "cement" your gains or to augment them even more.
Two proven methods are better than one with male enlargement because that's how you will achieve the fastest & biggest permanent size gains.