Board and Batten Shutters Bring Charm and Protection to Your Home
Although this can make your home look charming and different, these board and batten shutters have an actual function beyond aesthetic value.
The original reason shutters were used were to protect the home from the weather.
Things such as powerful winds, rain, snow, and even the hot sun were a threat to the well being of the people in the homes.
If any of these things were to hit the windows (if the home had windows!) it could let the rough weather in.
During hurricanes flying fragments of metal and wood, even tree branches could invade the home causing injury or worse.
Today, board and batten shutters are used to protect the windows in the same way, but for many homes in areas where bad weather is not a problem, they serve as a beautiful addition to the home.
If anything were to happen such as a severe shift in weather they would be completely functional to protect the home.
Many use these as a security feature as well.
They can be set up with locks so nobody can see in or get in through the windows.
This also brings a nice sense of privacy to the home as well.
For vacation homes, using board and batten shutters can close up the home to the outside world adding another level of security to the most vulnerable areas of the home- windows.
You can find these shutters in vintage styles or modern designs as well.
They come in a large variety of designs, colors, and sizes.
You can do some research on the internet to learn more, but if you just want to see what styles are available, you can use Google images search to easily pull up some amazing looking designs.
The beauty of these are also that you can easily modify their look, color, and design by painting them or sculpting them into whatever you want them to look like.
If your creative you can purchase a basic design and you can do all the aesthetic work yourself.
Some people have tools in their garage that can be used to give them a truly unique look and feel.
Many choose to go this route, but many more will simply buy them and install them.
They do not need to be installed by a professional.
You can easily install them yourself into just about any foundation or frame work.