Lower Court Judgement Is Full Of Legal Loopholes,Noted Criminal Lawyer, Ram Jethmalani | Vikas Y
Jethmalani on Thursday argued before Justices Gita Mital and J R Midha of Delhi High Court that the lower court while convicting the two accused, Vikas and his cousin Vishal, have accepted the 'complete confession report. This, the lawyer, said is against the well-established procedure, which says that only the portion leading to recovery of material evidences should be considered.
Citing several provisions and reading from the portions from Vishal and Vikass confessions taken by the UP police during investigation of the case and the judgement, the lawyer forcefully argued that there was a 'wholesale taking of confessions to reach judgement.
The senior criminal lawyer also said that the two accused confessional statements and the statements made during the recovery of material evidences are also same in language and words. It seems that the both statements were written simultaneously, with only change in he and I. This put grave doubt on 'material evidences alleged to have recovered from the accused statements. As per the prosecution allegation, the police recovered 'hammersaid to be weapon of offence from Vikass statement and a deceased Nitish Kataras 'watch from Vishals statement.
In a country like India how can one ignore legal loop holes in a High profile case of Nitish Katara. Such ignorance cannot be found in a civilized country where innocent peoples lives are put on a platter to be sacrificed. People love to give good advice or put others on the right paths with the help of Judiciary but the final forming of a persons character lies in their own hands. These same people who give advice to our society managing to convict Vikas and Vishal Yadav are supposed to be good citizens molding the coming generation of this country India. We are supposed to protect innocent people but not by locking them in cages, so the evil people can walk around without getting noticed among the crowd.
The essence of life is not being perfect, impressing people, or succeeding at everything. The essence of life is simply making mistakes and learning from them, surrounding yourself with people that love you when youre being yourself, and getting through the failures so that you can continue improving.
We are often let down by the most trusted people and loved by the most unexpected ones. Some make us cry for things we havent done, while they deny their own faults. Some ignore all our faults just to see our smile. Some leave us when we need them the most, while some stick to us even when we ask them to leave. This world is a mixture of such People. We just need to know which hand to stake and which hand to hold.