How to Dye Cotton Material With Tea
- 1). Fill a large basin with boiling hot water. You want to add about 4 cups of water for every yard of fabric you are dying.
- 2). Add two tea bags for every 1 cup of boiling water you put in the basin. Allow the tea bags to steep in the hot water for 5 to 10 minutes.
- 3). Submerge your fabric into the tea bath. You can leave the tea bags in the water as long as they are still intact.
- 4). Soak you fabric in the tea bath. Check the fabric every 5 minutes to see if it has turned the color you desire. Swirl occasionally to ensure the dye deposits evenly. If you do not swirl the fabric, it will have a patchy appearance.
- 5). Remove the fabric from the tea bath when it is the shade you desire. Rinse it under cold water. The color will fade when you rinse it. If the color fades excessively simply put the fabric back into the tea bath and allow it to soak longer.
- 6). Dry the fabric when you are done with the tea bath. Use a high heat setting to set the dye into the fabric.