How to Clean a Tower Fan
- 1). Set the tower fan in front of you, unplugged, in an area safe to clean in. Put on the protective eyewear and mask to keep the dust and debris out of your eyes and lungs during the cleaning process.
- 2). Detach the panel by removing the screws, if your model has a panel. If yours does not have a panel, skip to Step 3. Place the screws in the small bowl set both the panel and bowl to the side.
- 3). Shake the can of compressed air well for 30 seconds. If you're using an air compressor, apply the blower nozzle and turn the air compressor on, allowing it to build up pressure for the manufacturer's recommended time (typically 30 seconds to two minutes).
- 4). Use the compressed air to blow the dust off the panels, aiming at not only the flat surfaces but into visible accessible crevices, starting at the top of the fan and working your way down.
- 5). Turn the fan tower 180 degrees. Use a brush to clean off any remaining dust and dirt on the fan. If you had to remove a panel, put the panel back in place and secure with the screws. Plug the fan in and turn it on.