Ideas for Halloween Party Games or Decorations
- Delight your guests with a mad scientist theme.Comstock/Comstock/Getty Images
Halloween is the one day of the year when risen corpses and bloody-fanged vampires are neither uncommon nor alarming. Parties thrown on All Hallows Eve are bound to be full of ghosts, goblins and other creepy characters. Show your guests a good time by out-scaring them all. - Turn your home into a dark and unsettling mad scientist's lair. Fill glass jars with water and drop in chunks of odd-looking food or vegetation. Cover shelves and furniture with cobwebs and turn most of the lights off except for a few behind the jars. Dress as a mad scientist and make a game out of identifying the object in each jar.
- Decorate your party with a buried-alive theme. Dress as a corpse and serve dirt and worm desserts made of crushed chocolate cookies, pudding and gummy worms. Create personalized gravestones with gray poster board and markers and scatter them around the house. Entertain your guests with a game of zombie tag; each person tagged becomes a zombie and must act accordingly until the the game is over.
- Throw a Halloween party where each guest is required to come as a deceased celebrity or historical figure. As the host, wear a grim reaper costume and go around the party snatching people and forcing them to drink elixirs of death, which are actually creepy-looking but pleasant shot concoctions. Play a game where each guest must act like the person they came as until everyone at the party has guessed who they are.