Examples Of A EulogyThe Answer To A Big Problem
Over and over again, what we need to know is that which matters most and what matters most is an outcome that shows a great result when you finished delivering your eulogy. There is nothing to be ashamed of, in basing a eulogy on others; it is only shown that we are exerting effort on making our own eulogy. Besides, we base our work from certain examples of a eulogy; we are far from copying it. I cant see anything wrong from it. Nothing at all is wrong with that. When that time comes, look around, does a single soul cares, whether your eulogy is based from other eulogies? This was never for academic purposes, so I think no. No one would even bother to notice. What really counts, and what always counts, are the things that we want to say. Be sure to speak your mind when it matters most.
One can never argue the importance of having a good eulogy, we need to make a great eulogy like those professional writers make, but people arent always born to write like other privileged souls. So, again and again, examples of a eulogy helps, sometimes thats all we ask for, we arent asking someone to do the daunting task for us, all we ask for is a little bit of help, note we are making something like assignments on a sad time that our thoughts maybe lost.
In conclusion -- one must remember to speak from the heart. Beyond the delivery of the speech, it is the true message from the heart that truly shines through. It is what makes a truly great eulogy. Speak from your soul and you will prevail.