Wedding Attendants 101 - Roles For Special Guests at Your Wedding
There are many ways that your guests can be included in your wedding day, and you may find the more people you include, the less work there is for you to do.
Great roles for extra attendants are ushers.
They basically direct guests to their seats and hand out programs of the wedding ceremony.
Groomsmen usually take up this role, but if you are holding a particularly large wedding then you can assign this job to someone else.
You can ask one or two of your guests to give a reading at your ceremony.
This would be a great role for someone who has a lot of experience in public speaking or have a particularly strong voice.
Confidence is a must for giving readings and if your guests are not up for the task then it is probably better to find another way to fit them into your ceremony.
Decorating duties are always needed at weddings.
The more people you employ in this task the better.
If you have a lot of spare attendants then why not put one of them in charge of a team of decorators.
Their role will be to make sure the ceremony and reception venues are suitably decorated before the rest of the guests arrive.
If you are especially trusting you can leave them to delegate the tasks themselves but you may want to stick around to provide some input.
The help the will provide decorating will take the burden off your shoulders.
You will always need people to help you look after out of town guests.
If your guests are not familiar with the area they will no doubt require detailed directions to your venues.
If they are in town for longer than just your wedding date they may want recommendations for good restaurants and nightspots.
You could always put a group of people in charge of taking care of your out of town visitors by listing them as contacts in case your guests require anything.
You are not limited in the amount of toasts that can be given at your wedding reception.
As well as the best man, maid of honor, and father of the bride giving toasts you could always open up the floor to others.
You could even take this a step further and have a dedicated master of ceremonies at your wedding.
This is a great role for an extra attendant as they will be responsible for letting guests know what is going to happen at the reception.