How to Survive a Controlling Relationship With Controlling Men! It"s Simple
Controlling men have issues within themselves.
They are insecure, fear abandonment and rejection and feel powerless.
This is why they pick on women.
By controlling a woman, controlling men can ensure they will not be left alone and that they have control over something in their lives, even if it is controlling another person.
Controlling guys do not have the right to control or to change another person.
The right man would accept you as you are.
Controlling men have trouble trusting.
Controlling relationships and controlling guys lack trust and it is best not to continue the relationship because trust is only in healthy relationships.
Do not waste your time trying to prove how trustworthy you are to controlling men.
They will never see it because their inner insecurities block them from seeing how trustworthy you are.
Relationships are about getting to know each other and learning about the other person.
Controlling relationships lack this growth because controlling guys only enter relationships to gain control over a woman.
They do not have the capacity to learn about you or to grow with the relationship.
Controlling men are too busy ensuring that you will not leave them or show interests which do not involve them.
Controlling guys will find many ways to control you.
He might tell you what to wear, isolate you from your friends and family because he cannot handle you giving time or attention to anyone but him.
This is because he feels that if you are not showing attention to him constantly that you will leave him.
He finds this overwhelming and will resort to aggressive and/or verbal behaviour to keep you in a place where he can easily control you.
This results with you losing self confidence, getting low self esteem and losing freedom because you cannot do anything that you want to do.
Controlling men might try to control you financially.
They might only give you enough money to survive.
If they give you too much, then you are able to leave them or go out with friends, meaning that you are giving attention to someone else.
Controlling men do not respect your privacy.
They constantly call to see what you are doing, who you are with and what are you talking about.
They go through your phone and through your property.
You cannot change controlling men.
Before you entered the relationship, he was already convinced that you were not to be trusted.
He will never learn to trust you no matter what evidence you give.
Controlling men will not look inside themselves to see that they are the one with the problem.
It will always be your fault.
Controlling men and controlling relationships are never your fault.
Controlling guys can only fix themselves but most do not believe they have a problem.
Controlling men blame everyone else for their own problems because it makes them feel as though they have power over the bad things which occur in their lives.
Controlling relationships and controlling guys are not worth the effort.
End the relationship as soon as the controlling man gives out his first insult, demand or temper tantrum.
They will never change or learn to trust.
Controlling guys will threaten to leave you, let him.
The truth is he is too scared of abandonment and will never leave you.
If he does, you still win because you will have your freedom, self esteem and life back.