A Little Slice of the $60 Billion Pie
Hair keeps growing whether the stock market is up or down, which makes the hair salon business relatively immune to the layoffs and financial losses being suffered in other industries. People may eat out less during economic downturns, they may drive less, but vanity dictates that we all continue to look good. Our hair may not get cut and colored as often, but it still gets cut and colored by our favorite stylist.
So, given this information, why aren't more stylists going out on their own and starting up their own salons? From my perspective, it doesn't seem to be a lack of talent or education. It doesn't seem to be a lack of business sense or experience. And it is most certainly not because all stylists are happy in their current salon environment.
No, the reason so much of the $60 billion pie is going to so few people is because those few people are willing to take the plunge - they jumped in with both feet.
Most of the successful owners did not start out with large salons and they may have started out with some debt. They also started out with a dream and a desire to own a salon - they converted their passion for the industry into action. They were willing to take a risk to improve their lot in life.
Pablo Picasso said it best when he pronounced "Action is the foundational key to all success!" It is that first step, that tread into the unknown that holds so many talented people back from achieving their dreams. Don't let that happen to you. Take action and stake out your piece of the hair salon pie.