Penile Exercises Are Amazing - You Can Still Enlarge Your Penis by Several Inches at the Age of 70
There are people who never get discouraged and always keep focused on their goal.
But most people can not keep the focus and seem to give up very quickly or not get started at all, whether it is fat loss or bodybuilding.
Most guys want to have a bigger and stronger penis, but very few do something about it.
And even less guys are able to exercise their penis consistently.
The fact is that every man, no matter what the age is, can greatly enlarge penis size, erection and overall health.
The health of the penis is extremely important, but for some reason it is not talked about very often.
Although a lot of people exercise regularly to keep themselves in shape, very few exercise to keep their penis in shape.
Penile exercises are beneficial in so many ways; not only can you increase your length and girth, but you can also improve erections, penis shape, increase stamina and increase your self-esteem.
Just today I read an incredible story in the PEGym forum and the story was really incredible in many ways.
The online alias of that man is "going411by7.
" It is a very long and weird alias, so I am just going to call him Bob.
Bob stumbled on penis enlargement by accident, when he had lost his rock hard erections and he was sick of taking Viagra before sex.
So in August of 2003, he started to surf online to find as much information as possible about penis enlargement.
He downloaded hundreds of pages of information, printed them all out and started to read them.
He did a lot of research before he started any exercise routine.
Which is something that everyone should be doing, but very often guys get started without learning proper technique and exercises.
"One thing I have learned along the way is that I have to approach P.
as a long-term (for me a life-long) commitment.
Some guys gain fast.
I did.
But a lot don't.
But like anything, you get out of it what you put into it," said Bob.
He started out with simple jelqing and kegeling exercises and did not miss a workout in 4-5 months.
He gained about an half an inch in just a few weeks alone, so he was a fast gainer.
And he also waked up to rock hard erections as well.
When he got started with penile exercises his bone pressed erect length was 7.
75" and a few years later his bone pressed erect length was an amazing 10.
5" and girth was 6.
This maybe is too extreme and I am sure most men would be very happy with a 7.
75" penis.
Bob started off with caution and he did not want to cause any problems to his most priced organ.
"At the start of month three, I added the stretches to my routine.
I did not cut back on the jelqing and kegeling, though," said Bob.
Keep in mind that he achieved his gains well into his 60-s.
Considering the fact that he has made over 5,000 posts in the forum, then he seems to be legitimate.
Keep in mind that Bob made his gains by trial and error and when he was old.
So if you are much younger and also learn about penile exercises and if you are consistent, then you might make gains even faster.
But it is paramount to be consistent and have patience.
All the men, who have made great gains, have been really dedicated and consistent.
If you want to have a bigger penis size, then you need to take the "leap of faith" and get going and never stop.