Penis Stretching - Why a Bigger Man Will Have Girls Begging For More

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Taking into account the average woman, it doesn't make sense as to why we would need bigger penises in the first place.
The G-spot, which is key to inducing orgasm in women, is located just a few inches inside the vagina, meaning it shouldn't be all that difficult to stimulate.
To make matters even more confusing, the most sensitive parts on woman's body are located very close to the vaginal opening, not deep inside.
So if I'm telling you all of this, why in the world would you need a bigger penis to please women during sex? The main problem is that when it comes to sex, it's all mental, this is especially true for women.
Our society tells us over and over again that we need a bigger penis to make good sexual partners, and the problem is that when women hear about this over and over again they start to believe it...
In fact, the expect it.
They start to believe that they need a huge penis to fully pleasure them, and when you're competing again a mindset, it's really hard to win.
If a woman sees your penis and doesn't THINK it's big enough, it doesn't really matter if you're physically capable of satisfying her, she's already going to be turned of if you don't measure up to her expectations.
One the other side of things, if you pull off your pants and your girl sees a huge penis, she's going to be begging you to begin and getting her to orgasm is going to be fairly easy because you've already won her over mentally.
"But what if my penis isn't already huge?" Here's where penis stretching comes in.
Penis stretching, or more accurately penis enlargement exercising, isn't a method that most men know about.
Pill companies have worked very, very hard to cover up this method in order to protect their business.
This is because methods like penis stretches can offer a permanent, more long term solution; it would be very hard for pill companies to convince men to keep paying monthly prescription fees if those men knew they could get a hold of a more effective solution.
How It All Works: When studying the anatomy of the penis, one of the first things you would notice is that your little friend is actually made up of 3 chambers.
Each of these chambers fills with blood when you are sexually excited, resulting in the "hardness" of an erection.
Because these chambers limit the amount of blood that can enter the penis, enlarging these chambers is the only real way to enlarge the penis.
Lucky for anyone looking to get a bigger penis, the tissues that make up these chambers actually respond to stresses much like a muscle does when you workout: Stimuli over time causes the body to increase cell production in that area, in an attempt to make the body better able to handle that activity in the future (this is why lifting weights builds muscle and allows you to lift more and more over time).
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