Plug the Holes and Spend Less
The economy has driven more people to rethink their lifestyle choices and many have begun to look at how they spend money.
Having less money is a significant incentive for spending less where and when you can.
Many people begin to eat out less, go to the thrift store more and try to pinch where they can.
The normal household is under siege when it comes to making ends meet.
The 4.
00 lattes are replaced with brewing your own coffee and taking leftovers everyday to work.
With the increase in heating oil prices, families are looking for more efficient ways to keep their families warm as they price of oil goes up.
The need to squeeze every nickel out of your home heating system when things get really cold is a primary goal for those still without jobs.
Simple solutions can go a long way in trying to stay warm and help pinch the pennies where you can.
Plugging the common air leaks around windows and doors in attics, basements and everywhere else is a common strategy.
The more you can keep warm air inside, the less you will spend.
Another basic idea may not be as obvious is to close doors to rooms that you no longer or rarely use.
As empty nesters begin to downsize, they usually hang out in smaller areas within the home.
The bedrooms that had been used by their children are no longer occupied and begin to be used for other activities.
Bedrooms are now becoming offices, sewing rooms and art studios which may not be used as often, this they do not need to be heated all the time.
Closing the doors and restricting them during cold days can help keep the main areas warmer.
In summary, take a look around and begin to think differently about what you heat and when, it can drastically reduce your heating bills.