How to Install a Default Mail Client for Windows XP
- 1). Download the 60-day free trial for Microsoft Office, Mozilla Thunderbird, or Eudora using the links in the "Resources" section of this article. Microsoft Outlook can also be purchased in stores as a standalone product or as part of the Microsoft Office suite.
- 2). Double click the downloaded program file to install it. During the installation process, most mail clients will give you the option to import your saved data such as your saved messages and address book from Outlook Express. Thunderbird is one mail client with the option to do this. Look for this option during installation or consult any included help files for information on how to do this. The first time the new mail client is launched, you will be asked if you would like to make the program your default mail client. Click "Yes" to this prompt. If you do not receive this prompt or clicked "No" and Outlook Express is still your default mail client, continue to the next step.
- 3). Click the "Start" button, then click "Set Program Access and Defaults."
- 4). Click the radio button next to "Custom," then click the arrow at the end of the row.
- 5). Click the radio button next to the mail client that you want to use as the default under "Choose a default e-mail program." If desired, you may also remove the check next to "Enable access to this program" for any email client you do not wish to use.
- 6). Click "OK" to save your settings.