Must-Have Tools For Cleaning Rugs
But why is it that some people don't have to sweat it out when cleaning their rugs? The secret is not exactly a secret at all. You just need to find the right cleaning tools and equipment which can help you clean your rug in the easiest and most effective way.
Here are some of the must-haves when it comes to rug cleaning:
Vacuum cleaner- a vacuum is a rug's best friend. It always goes hand in hand with it since it is the best way to get rid of dust and dirt gathering in your rug. It is best used for daily cleaning and can help you dust off your rug in the quickest way possible. Vacuum cleaners are really useful because aside from rugs, they can also be used to clean other surfaces and hard-to-reach areas.
Rug brush- one of the worst enemies of rugs is hair and fur be it from humans or pets alike. It can be tricky to remove them even with vacuum cleaners. The best tool to use is the rug brush. There are several options in the market but it is best to pick one which has a variety of purposes from picking up hair and fur to caring for the fibers of your rug. Just make sure you know how to use it properly and moderately as mismanagement can cause damage to your rug.
Cotton towels- you've probably heard of the tip that you should immediately clean the stains from your rug especially the spills. Cotton towels are the best tools to use. Every time something spills on the rug, it is best to immediately dry it out with highly absorbent cotton towels. This will help avoid the stain from seeping into the very fiber of the rug which would make it more difficult to remove.
These are the three basic tools you'll need for cleaning your rug. There are also a lot of other tools out there which can also help you make rug cleaning a lot easier. However, you have to be careful in choosing the tools as some might be effective cleaners but they can cause damage to the rugs. Always act with caution.