Man Boobs - The Cause and the Cure
This is caused primarily because of a hormonal imbalance in your body.
Some fat is stored in other areas where others don't normally.
Most men store fat in their belly area and some males have fat in their chest area because of this hormonal imbalance.
The three reasons for hormone imbalance: 1.
An underlying hormone altering condition 2.
Being overweight 3.
Exposure to hormone altering chemicals Testosterone is thought to be a male hormone and estrogen is a female hormone but in actual fact male and female need both hormones.
The cause of male breasts is the excess of estrogen synthesis in males.
Some practitioners say the only way to get rid of man boobs is surgery but there other ways, for example if you are a teenager and you have male breasts, just give it time because man boobs in teenagers tend to disappear as they get older due to the increased presence of testosterone.
Exercise could be another solution and you need to make sure you are doing the correct ones in order for it to be effective.
Then you have liposuction, do really want the expense of the surgery? And on top of that the discomfort and pain of recovery? Talk to your doctor and find out the best way to get rid of your male breasts and make sure it is the right one for you.