How to Make a 3D Origami Toucan
- 1). Turn the square around, so it's in the shape of a diamond, white side up. Fold and unfold in half from top to bottom.
- 2). Put your finger on the left point. Fold the slopping sides in to meet in the middle fold line.
- 3). Fold the right point behind to make a straight vertical line. Fold each half of the right side in to meet the middle line. Press firmly and open up.
- 4). Use the fold line made previously as a guide. Open out the bottom layer of paper. Press it down into a point. Now focus your attention on the top layer of paper. Using the fold line as a gauge, open out the top layer of paper. Press it down into a point.
- 5). Fold your project in half from top to bottom.
- 6). Push the right point down inside the model to make the toucan's big head. Fold the bottom points over toward the right to make the feet.
- 7). Fold the paper on either side below the head to make the tail.
- 8). Add colorful streaks with felt tip pens. Add eyes and color in the beak, and your toucan is ready to fly.