Solutions For Sweating
You will discover three simple sweat solutions.
The most common and popular solution is of course just getting a antiperspirant from your local convenience store and using it daily.
Antiperspirants are different from deodorants.
Deodorants are designed to prevent body odor, while antiperspirants are designed to prevent sweating.
Unfortunately, this is not really a long-term solution, if it deserves the term solution at all.
Because the reason why antiperspirants work is simply that they block your sweat ducts.
This can have harmful side-effects, and there is more and more scientific evidence emerging that indicates that antiperspirants should not be used on a regular basis.
For example, one study indicated that there might be a relationship between antiperspirants and breast cancer.
Another solution for sweating is called iontophoresis.
It's particularly effective for people with sweaty hands and feet, but not in other cases.
The patient puts his or her hands in a small water basin that is electrically charged.
This mild electric shock can paralyze the sweat glands for a while, thus reducing the sweating.
This treatment needs to be repeated every couple of weeks.
Then there are long-term solutions for sweating that can help you to permanently reduce your sweating to normal levels.
It is important that you realize that these methods will not completely stop your sweating.
They will only reduce your sweating to a point where it is average in comparison to other people.
So you still will have to use deodorants to avoid body odor - just like everybody else- but other than that, there won't be a sweat problem.
Making sure that you drink enough water and reducing your intake of caffeinated beverages are elements of these sweat solutions.