Home Security - The Latest Home Invasion Scam
As hard as it is to believe, in some cases, homeowners actually welcome in criminals.
In state after state, fake utility workers are robbing homes.
There was a story recently on "Good Morning America" where they shared tips on staying safe at home and warding off criminals.
The bad guys out there often pose as the good guys: electricians, plumbers, utility company workers, even policemen to gain access to your home.
Two weeks ago in Albuquerque several thousands of dollars of police uniforms were stolen out of a local warehouse.
They use fake ID's and look the part with a uniform and tool box.
The easiest way to stop this is to look at the most difficult thing to duplicate-usually a vehicle.
If someone says they are from a utility company, for example, where is their truck and how is it labeled?That's the kind of thing most would-be crooks can't duplicate.
If you don't see a vehicle, don't let him in.
If someone wants to gain entry to your house be suspicious and if you have any doubts don't let them in.
Call their company while they wait outside -with YOUR DOOR LOCKED Most companies are self conscious about the image they and their employees present.
If somebody shows up unshaven, in street clothes, with no name tag or company emblem, they may not be who they claim to be.
Ask them to wait while you call their office-with your door locked.
If the person is legit he will still be there when you go back.
If not he will be gone and you'll be safe another day.
Remember this: property crime occurs every 3 seconds, a home burglary every 15 seconds.
Don't let this scam make yours next.
Any time someone wants to get into your house under any circumstances your radar should be on alert.
Women in particular tend to be sympathetic to stories con men use to gain entry.
Don't be a victim!