When to Pick Lemons From the Tree?
- One of the major difficulties in knowing when to pick lemons from the tree is the fact that these trees produce fruit year-round. Because of this, you must keep a constant eye on your lemon tree.
- Different types of lemon trees exist, so to fully know when your lemons are ripe, you must figure out what type of tree you have. Meyer lemon trees are easy to grow both indoors and outdoors, but other varieties include Eureka lemons, true lemons and Villafranca lemons. By knowing the type of tree you have, you can find out how long its lemons usually take to ripen.
- Color is the best indication of when to pick your lemons. In most cases, a lemon that is ready for picking will be yellow; however, some varieties, like the Meyer lemon, will ripen at a color that is closer to orange. The lemon's shape is also an excellent way to indicate ripeness. A ripe lemon tends to be oblong instead of circular. In the end, however, tasting the fruit is the best way to know if it is ripe.