Product Creation - Why You Need to Develop Your Big Ticket Item
As an Internet marketer, you need to continually work on your product creation and develop new products for each entry point and sales level.
Think about this: how many units of a $5000 item do you need to sell to gross $100,000? How many units do you need to sell at $50 to gross $100,000? It only requires selling 20 units at $5000 to gross $100,000, but 2000 units at $50.
Are the customers similar? Yes, they are very similar.
Obviously, some people who spend $50 do not have the financial wherewithal to spend $5000, but out of the ones that do, if you position the product correctly, they may be as willing to spend $5000 with you as they are willing to spend $50.
When you do sell $50 products, they will no longer be end-products, they will be qualifying products for your autoresponder to begin to promote the big - ticket product.
Examples of Big Ticket Products: So what are some examples of big ticket items? A complete training course to teach people in your niche how to build an entire, full time business, in that niche A complete training course to teach people how to set up their own consulting practice in their niche A complete training program that will teach people in your niche how to become the very best in the niche online A 3-day hands on workshop to teach people how to 'do' your niche A 3-day hands on workshop teaching people how to monetize their niche An online coaching course that gives people everything they need to know to excel in your niche.
Any of these items WHEN POSITIONED correctly can be sold for at least $1000 each - to the right person.
If they are marketed correctly, any of them can be worth as much as $5000+ to the right person.
Think about this: Imagine your target market is dentists.
What does the average dentist gross yearly? 1 million? (I am just guessing).
So that means that half of dentists gross less than 1 million.
Once they pay all their office expenses, hygienist salaries, and supplies, maybe they net $200,000.
If you are out to attract prospective customers and develop your online presence and exposure, you owe it to yourself and the financial future of your business to learn everything you can about Internet marketing.
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