NEC Codes - 5352 Special Warfare Combatant Crewman (SWCC) Advanced
NEC 5352 Special Warfare Combatant Crewman (SWCC) Advanced
Personnel will plan, conduct, and supervise Combatant Craft operations throughout the spectrum of special warfare missions within Special Warfare Commands.
Qualification Data:
Source Rating(s):
Billet Paygrades: E4-E9
Personnel Paygrades: E4-E9
Course: Initial Tour
Open to Women?: No
1. SWCC program open to male ground combat volunteers only.
2. MILPERSMAN 1220-340 addresses Naval Special Warfare Crewmember certification and waiver requirements. 3. NEC may be earned upon completion of successful tour at a Special Warfare Command and recommendation of unit screening board. Submit NAVPERS 1221/6 with Commanding Officer’s endorsement to PERS-4013D2 via ECM (N13). 4. NEC is awardable to SELRES enlisted personnel provided they attain the 5352 NEC while on active duty and retain qualifications. 5. Source Ratings are in accordance with MILPERSMAN 1220-100.
Information contained on this page is derived from the Navy Enlisted Manpower and Personnel Classifications and Occupational Standards Manual, Volume II, NAVPERS 18068F, which is the official manual for Navy Enlisted Classifications (NECs).