How to Roof a Double Gable
- 1). Measure the square footage of the roof. For the gables, measure the length of the eave and the length from the eave to the peak of the gable. Multiply these lengths together and divide the product by two. It is likely that both gables will be the same square footage.
- 2). Add at least 10 percent for waste to the total square footage of the roof. Order the materials. Materials can be delivered or you can pick them up yourself.
- 3). Tear off the existing roof it the roof already has two layers. If the roof has only one layer, you can lay shingles directly over the existing roof if you choose to. Keep a dumpster on hand for easier cleanup, especially if you are ripping off the existing roof.
- 4). Replace any rotten or damaged plywood from the deck of the roof. Replace any damaged eaves before starting the actual roof. Clean the deck with a broom, and hammer down any protruding nails.
- 5). Install drip edge around the eaves of the roof. Nail the edges to the deck of the roof with roofing nails every 10 inches. Overlap by one inch the adjoining drip edges.
- 6). Install ice and water shield around the entire perimeter of the roof. Install ice and water shield in the valleys of the gable, centering the piece along the crease of the valley. Ice and water shield is installed by peeling the protective backing and laying it sticky side down on the roof. There should be no creases or bubbling after laying down the ice and water shield. Install step flashing where the roof meets the gable. Install ridge vent on the peak of the roof.
- 7). Snap parallel lines up the roof with a chalk line. Run a starter course of shingles around the perimeters of the roof. The starter shingles are turned backward so the the tabs are facing inward and the flat edge protrudes one inch beyond the edge of the roof.
- 8). Install underlayment (felt), rolling out strips for the length of the roof. Wherever there is a valley where the gable meets the roof, run underlayment across the roof and up the valley at least one foot past the valley line. Underlayment should similarly overlap the valley ridge coming down the gable. Underlayment is stapled with a hand-operated roofing staple gun (not a power tool). Any adjoining strips of underlayment should overlap one foot vertically and four to six inches in the horizontal direction.
- 9). Lay down roofing shingles one row at a time, or if you are experienced, you can simultaneously run multiple rows up the roof. Overlap the shingles at least eight inches up the gable valley. Lay down the shingles in the valley between the two gables, overlapping the shingles up the crease of the valley at least eight inches.
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Roof the gable itself in the same manner that you would lay down shingles for the roof. Overlap the singles in the valley. Snap a line one inch above the crease line where the gable meets the roof and cut it with a roofing knife. Where the gable wall meets the roof, install shingles to the edge of the wall and over the step flashing.