How You can Download and Play Free Legal Nintendo Ds Games
In this article I have provided step by step instructions for playing downloaded Nintendo Ds games. You even don't need to break your Ds console and no warranty will be spoiled. The process is simple drag and drop method between the Ds and computer.
The essential things you needed;
Nintendo Ds
Computer with Internet
Nintendo games in.nds format
R4 Adaptor and SD card
Another one adapter for connecting your PC to the SD card
R4 Cartridge software
You can buy R4 Ds Cartridge and SD card for around 10 dollar and it will be available at your nearest store or you can get it from Amazon or Ebay. Also check the below software's are included in R4 adaptor.
A R4 DS Adaptor cartridge and SD card can be purchased from Amazon, ebay or from the nearest game store for less than $10. Make sure the R4 adaptor cartridge has the following software available in the system:
_DS_MSHL.NDS (move this file to the memory folder)
You can download the above files from also from the internet.
Here are the exact steps you need to follow:
Connect the SD card using an adaptor and plug to your computer and when the PC detects it, a folder will open. Now open the memory folder in the SD card and move the.nds game files to your memory folder.
Now you can remove the SD card then connect with the R4 adaptor and again plug to the console. Now you can find the games in the memory folder and you can play those games with your Nintendo Ds console.
To find a site that will give you lifetime downloads for a once off fee go to">dsidownload