Mirror Crystals and Wire Hoop Necklace
To make the Mirror Crystals and Wire Hoop Necklace, you will need the following tools and supplies:
*1 - 8x12mm Teardrop shaped mirror crystal bead in dark blue/purple (#34741-035)
*23 - 4mm Bicone shaped mirror crystal beads in blue/green (#34741-038)
1 - 4mm Copper daisy spacer bead
1 - 2 inch Copper head pin
12 inches of 22-gauge Copper round dead-soft wire
2 feet of 30-gauge Copper round dead-soft wire
Mandrel 1 1/2 inch in diameter
16 inches 3Antiqued copper about 3mm diameter link chain
Wire cutters
2 Chain-nosed pliers
Round-nosed pliers
Nylon-nosed pliers
Jeweler's file
*Mirror beads were furnished by Cousin.com.