To Act Or to Be Acted Upon?
How you answer that question may determine whether becoming a real entrepreneur is what's right for you.
Many attempt to become entrepreneurs because of the benefits that come from doing your own thing.
Just think- choose your own hours, do something your passionate about, depending on yourself and not others, etc...
If you are doing an outstanding job on behalf of your business, chances are you're creating job security for yourself.
Ultimately, a true entrepreneur has to be proactive; you need to be the type of person that is willing to take risks, knowing that "the greater the risk, the greater the reward.
" On the flip side, if you have a more passive personality, you may want to consider finding a job, working your nine to five in a less than roomy cubicle, and run the risk of losing your job at anytime.
Most people go this route because they're not cut out for the former; they don't have the characteristics that drive an entrepreneur.
Here's the problem: if you choose the more "secure" route of getting that nine to five job, you're choosing to be acted upon.
Too many people bust their back every single day to get laid off because the company is "going a different direction.
" The administration may decide to cut back for whatever reason, and though you did a good job your entire time there, you have lost your job.
And then there are those that choose to act.
Those types of people run a risk of losing everything; the pay off can be huge but then so is the risk.
You have to willing to put everything on the line; you have to be creative.
Those that go this route have to have the confidence in themselves to take an idea from just that, an idea, and make it something can potentially provide.
Before you decide what direction to go, decide what you are and follow that path.
Some have the characteristics of an entrepreneur; others seem to have more of a nine to five, cubicle personality.
What are you?