Is Now a Good Time to Look For Job Vacancies on Cruise Ships?
However almost alone amongst the foreign travel industry - cruises are defying the market and are more popular now than ever.
There are more cruise liners operating all over the world than ever before and the demand for reliable skilled employees is rising all the time.
Most cruise liners now are pretty much comparable to floating five star hotels and offer a huge variety of facilities and entertainment to their passengers.
This of course means that the variety of skills needed to look after thousands of guests is also greatly increased from just about every conceivable hospitality job through to IT support, nurses and admin roles most people can find an appropriate job vacancy on a cruise liner.
Working on a cruise liner has lots of benefits - you get to travel all over the world, all your bills and board are free, meet people from all over the world and generally makes your job into an adventure.
However it is important to remember that these jobs are all hard work - cruise passengers can be extremely demanding and you have to be professional and courteous at all times.
The discipline involved is much more than a normal job simply because when that ship sets sail everyone has to be relied on to do their job and keep the passengers happy.
Obviously you should be comfortable working at sea and unless you are very senior or an officer you will generally be required to share a cabin.
The crews quarters are often quite small - so again if you're somebody who needs lots of their own space you might not enjoy this.
Having said that you are usually able to use all the ships facilities when off duty so there is plenty of space for relaxing away from sleeping quarters.
Working on a cruise liner is certainly a fantastic experience but it's not for everyone - if you want to do 9-5 hours you'll be disappointed as everyone is expected to pitch in and do whatever is required.
There is a great camaraderie though amongst most crews - with friendships made that often last a lifetime.
You work hard but when you finish your contract you'll come back having met lots of new people, seen loads of new places and best of all an almost untouched salary sitting in your bank account!