How Soon Is Too Soon to Contact After a Resume Submission?
On the one hand, you want to ensure the interviewer received the resume.
On the other hand, you don't want to annoy the interviewer with a "hey did you happen to receive my resume" email.
As with many things in the job search process, there aren't many hard-and-fast rules you have to adhere to.
And the timing of your follow-up is one of those areas that don't have a strict set of regulations.
That said, there are some general guidelines you can follow.
For positions with no deadlines: Most ads will have some sort of language that reads, "Don't call us, we'll call you.
" Ignore the language and call.
During a job search you have to be assertive, especially when you are vying for a competitive position.
A week after your submission is a good time to call.
For positions with deadlines: If you are applying for a position that has an approaching deadline, call within 48 hours of submitting your resume.
The key to following up is to feel comfortable doing so.
One way to feel as ease is to include a follow-up mention in your cover letter such as, "I will be contacting you on (X date, X time) to follow up with my online submission.
" When you call, you can say, "As promised in my cover letter, I am following up on my resume submission.
" Mentioning that you will be calling will (a) put the receiver on notice to expect your call and (b) force you to follow up on your promise.