The Male Weak Spot

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Richard, an architect and avid runner in his late 50s, came to me for a consultation.
At his yearly check-up, his medical doctor informed him that his PSA was abnormal.
Richard was worried, and with very good reason; an abnormal PSA (prostate specific antigen) is a possible indication of cancer.
What he wanted to know was whether I could recommend an alternative treatment to get his PSA back into the normal range.
I told Richard I wasn't sure, but that I would consult my healthy prostate checklist and come up with a plan of action.
Within three months of beginning my natural healing and nutrition plan, Richard returned to his primary physician for a blood test.
His PSA was normal and has stayed that way for five years.
More recently, a chef in his mid-forties came to me for chronic prostatitis.
Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland, often resulting in swelling or pain, as well as urination problems, sexual dysfunction, and general health issues such as fatigue and even depression.
He had been suffering with the condition for ten years and was frustrated with his urologist's lack of success in treating it.
There was no infection present, yet he had pelvic pain every time he sat down for more than five minutes.
This patient had no experience with holistic healing, and he did not trust it; however, by this point, he was desperate enough to try anything.
After a series of ten treatment sessions, the pain was alleviated.
He did not have an elevated PSA, so it was hard to evaluate objectively; however, subjectively, the chef's pain was gone and he had his life back! Clark was a high-powered music producer who was referred by his oncologist.
Although Clark's prostatic cancer appeared to be in remission, his PSA was very abnormal.
Medication had not brought down his numbers, meaning it was only a matter of time before the cancer returned.
As with Richard, I treated Clark for three months, using natural healing procedures.
When the MD retested Clark's blood, his PSA had dropped, but only 50%.
It took another seven sessions, but when his PSA was retested again, it was normal.
These are only three cases in which holistic treatments helped men facing potentially life-threatening prostrate problems.
But how does a gentle approach resolve symptoms and restore normal PSA levels? Is it a placebo, or is it real? People often don't realize that medicine is not only a science, but an art as well.
On the scientific level, the causes of prostatitis are not completely understood; in fact, even the most highly regarded experts disagree.
Keep in mind that a patient may have more than one cause operating at the same time.
Or, looked at from another point of view, prostatitis could be several different diseases which present with the same or similar symptoms, again, depending on the individual.
Whatever the situation, holistic treatments often succeed where traditional medicine has failed.
The prostate is a male reproductive gland; it is located just below the bladder and produces most of the semen.
An estimated fifty percent of men in the United States will experience prostatitis during their lifetime.
To diagnose prostatitis, a physician collects a patient's urine and thoroughly examines his prostate gland.
This is done through a digital rectal examination, which involves inserting a well-lubricated, gloved finger into the rectum to check for any abnormalities of the gland.
The physician may collect a sample of prostate fluid for analysis.
Finally, some doctors carry out a prostate specific antigen test to measure the amount of this chemical in a person's blood.
What do we know about the causes of prostatitis? Bacterial infection Viral infection Yeast infection Physical injury Uric acid problem Rare tumor or cancer Food allergies Structural disorder Emotional stress It is unclear why medical doctors can't fix non-infectious prostatitis; however, holistic treatments have become a source of hope for the men suffering from this painful condition.
Holistic healing is an art form, albeit one that relies on clinical results for progress.
Both prostatitis and prostate cancer can increase a patient's PSA level; therefore, it is exceedingly encouraging that even patients with the most resistant prostate cases are experiencing positive results.
If you or someone you know has prostatitis and hasn't found an answer, perhaps it's time to consider a holistic alternative.
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