Red-Eyed Tree Frog Characteristics
- The red-eyed tree frog uses its bright colors to ward off predators.Adam Jones/Photodisc/Getty Images
The red-eyed tree frog is an amphibian that is found in the rain forests of Central America These frogs get their moniker from their red eyes and their arboreal natural habitat. Red-eyed tree frogs make popular pets; however, they may not be best suited for first-time frog owners, as they are quite delicate and expensive to care for. The red-eyed tree frog has many characteristics that make it different than other similar amphibians. - Red-eyed tree frogs are known for their bright eye and body colors. Their legs and dorsum are green and they have blue and yellow stripes on the sides of their bodies, states the Amphibian Care website. The frogs also have bright orange feet with toepads they use for climbing. The frogs' stomach and chest areas are often white or cream-colored. Many of the red-eyed tree frogs have bright red eyes; however, some southern populations of the frogs have eyes that are a deeper, burgundy-like shade of red. Adult frogs are usually about 2 to 3 inches long and the females are typically larger than the males.
- The diet of a red-eyed tree frog primarily consists of soft-bodied invertebrates. As carnivores, these frogs usually feast on dragonflies, fish and beetles, states the National Geographic Kids website. In addition, they also eat moths, crickets and houseflies. When in captivity, many frog owners feed these amphibians mealworms, waxworms and small silkworms along with other flying insects. If you own a juvenile red-eyed tree frog, you should feed it every day. Adults should eat three to six food items every two or three days. Red-eyed tree frogs also need water to stay hydrated and healthy. In captivity, these amphibians should always be offered fresh water that is changed daily.
- Red-eyed tree frogs are nocturnal, meaning they sleep during the day and are active at night. These amphibians hunt for their food during the evening hours. The red-eyed tree frog uses its bright colors as a defense mechanism against predators. Its red eyes are often used to startle those looking to sneak up on it and use it as a meal. In addition, when the frogs run away from their enemies, their legs reveal their bright hues, creating flashes of color that are often confusing to predators. This confusion can cause the animal to hesitate, giving the frog time to escape.