How to Access 2Wire Router Address
- 1). Open a Web browser on a computer connected to the 2Wire network. Type "" into the address bar of your Web browser and press the "Enter" key. This will bring up a splash page asking for a password.
- 2). Type in your password and press the "Enter" key. If you remembered your password, you have access to the 2Wire router configuration page. However, if you can't remember your password you will need to reset it.
- 3). Click on the blue text in the bottom right of the password page that states "I forgot my password." This will bring up a hint designed to remind you of your password. If this helps, type in your password and press the "Enter" key. If the hint doesn't help, click on the blue text that says "I still forgot my password." This will bring up a screen asking for the 2Wire serial number.
- 4). Enter the 2Wire serial number. The serial number is found on a sticker on the bottom of the 2Wire modem. It is the 10-digit number located above the bar code in brackets. After you enter the serial number press the "Enter" key. A new page will pop up asking to create a new password.
- 5). Type in a new password into the password field and confirm password field. Type a new hint to remind you of your new password into the hint field. Click on the "Next" button on the bottom right of the screen. This will bring you to the 2Wire configuration screen.