I Just Like to Have Until
I just like to have until for you and I was cleaning so that is that's the best way I can recommend it's a slow process but you all feel like repeating yourself at all because you're not you're just tuning those things out before you know you've created your own health weekly meeting me know fix question why don't you La crème eat dairy okay got I guess into that our issue is because I get the worst cystic acne ever from dairy like tears up my skin so I absolutely can't have it and II decreased is slowly over time tows like.
I just went cold turkey on cut I love dairy and when I first found out that I was I thought maybe that was the consummate was like heart broken his I love cut she's I love sour cream loll no whipped cream and all that stuff just like just hurt me to know that that was heron my skin you know so badly and that I was gonna have to stop in time but I am you know there's so many other things out there so many other options almond milk and there's all kinds like you know silly products some coconut milk products in all kinds of stuff out there you can replace it with you won't even like I really miss it now so yeah I'm all good now totally ordinary are you know are vegetarian I consider myself budgetary and I cut Idol each but they don't you dare you now either so you know I'm but I'm not be getting the head is even going to eat meat or dairy I still the only other products like me handbags leather have.
I was a have a leather belt I'm I use lip balm has these lacks in it so that know that is Ian's hope and not only in just fishery in aren't if for one day indulging anytime junk food no effect son you what you eat cheesecake ho I would take cheesecake you know it next what would be your favorite food if you live in a country with a coke plant okay that's a really good questionis IâEUR(TM)m really don't know what my favorite food you lay out here a lot as you know freshly raw fruits and vegetables and stuff but in a cold climate I'm sure it'd bemire like soups and stews and like hot can hardly food are eight so the next seven questions is actually about me replace it and I miss England's enough for a separate video on because I got a lot of questions about relationships and things like that so I'm actually in get Michael in an apt to do so will do several video for Dianne if thereâEUR(TM)s anything that didn't like cancer in knots in these past two videos then I'm just let me know if you know is do you like a separate like more individual more.
I just went cold turkey on cut I love dairy and when I first found out that I was I thought maybe that was the consummate was like heart broken his I love cut she's I love sour cream loll no whipped cream and all that stuff just like just hurt me to know that that was heron my skin you know so badly and that I was gonna have to stop in time but I am you know there's so many other things out there so many other options almond milk and there's all kinds like you know silly products some coconut milk products in all kinds of stuff out there you can replace it with you won't even like I really miss it now so yeah I'm all good now totally ordinary are you know are vegetarian I consider myself budgetary and I cut Idol each but they don't you dare you now either so you know I'm but I'm not be getting the head is even going to eat meat or dairy I still the only other products like me handbags leather have.
I was a have a leather belt I'm I use lip balm has these lacks in it so that know that is Ian's hope and not only in just fishery in aren't if for one day indulging anytime junk food no effect son you what you eat cheesecake ho I would take cheesecake you know it next what would be your favorite food if you live in a country with a coke plant okay that's a really good questionis IâEUR(TM)m really don't know what my favorite food you lay out here a lot as you know freshly raw fruits and vegetables and stuff but in a cold climate I'm sure it'd bemire like soups and stews and like hot can hardly food are eight so the next seven questions is actually about me replace it and I miss England's enough for a separate video on because I got a lot of questions about relationships and things like that so I'm actually in get Michael in an apt to do so will do several video for Dianne if thereâEUR(TM)s anything that didn't like cancer in knots in these past two videos then I'm just let me know if you know is do you like a separate like more individual more.