Natural Gas Safety Tips At Home
Something that you may find interesting is the fact that natural gas does not really have a strong smell that is associated with it. As a matter of fact, an odor is added to the gas, which is otherwise odorless and colorless. Although it is difficult to pinpoint the exact smell of the gas, it has been said that it has the smell of rotten eggs. Smelling a gas leak can alert you to a problem that may otherwise go undetected. If you do smell gas, contact emergency personnel immediately because of the issues that can occur. The emergency medical personnel that you contact can use a combustible gas detector which will further help to pin down the problem.
It is also a good idea for you to understand some of the workings of the gas equipment that may be in your location. In most cases, you will have both a manual and automatic gas shut off valve. These can be used to stop the flow of gas at that location. The manual valve is going to require some tools and quite a bit of elbow grease to maneuver but with an automatic valve in place, you are going to be much safer as a result. If you do not have an automatic valve installed at your home or place of business, you should contact somebody and have one installed immediately.
Although many people are concerned about the use of natural gas, it is a very reliable and clean way for you to run your appliances. It is efficient and it burns very cleanly, leaving little residue in its wake. It is a good idea, however, for you to regularly watch the flames that are on the natural gas appliances because they may be able to alert you to a problem. If the flame is yellow and not blue, you may have a problem with venting and it certainly shows that there is a problem that needs to be checked. Carbon monoxide buildup may also be an issue when the flame is yellow.
If you suspect that there is a problem with gas in your area, do not try to detect the problem on your own. Immediately call emergency services by dialing 911 and let them know that there is an issue. They will have the experience and the equipment necessary to resolve the problem in a safe manner.