Your Wedding Does Not Have To Be a Lavish Affair
Marriage is about two people becoming one. This does not have to break the bank. Besides, there are other expenses that come into play when an individual decides to marry.
Their first home, future children and their mode of transportation are all more important. This does not mean a couple could not get married in style. A wedding could look like a million bucks but it does not have to cost nearly that much.
There are various methods in creating a wonderful wedding without paying the price. Instead of booking an expensive hall or wedding location, choose a friend's back yard. With a small payment, a park could be the place for an extravagant wedding.
The invitations could be designed to look professional from the couple's home computer. Printed on stylish designed paper, this piece of the wedding creation can be fantastic.
The decorations and photography do not have to be lavish and expensive. Ask guests for flowers from their private gardens or plant some before the big day. This will save money and energy for other more important things in the wedding.
A couple could enlist the assistance of their friends and family to dress up the area. An expensive photographer does not need to be hired. On each table place a throw away camera and ask people in the invitations to bring their own cameras. This method will ensure plenty of pictures for a memorable occasion but will not be an expensive venture.
The food and refreshments are important for a wonderful wedding day. An individual could ask the partygoers to bring items for a pot-luck. Another way to feed everyone is if the wedding is in a park or somewhere outdoors, build BBQ pits and have everyone BBQ their own dinners. This is a great way to have a relaxed ceremony and remember that these friends and family are just that, there is no need for a formal dinner among friends.
Entertainment and the cake could be simple. The couple could ask three people to make a cake. Then
when they are all together place the cakes on top of one another. This will be a fun and exciting method to display the love and friendship through dessert.
The entertainment could be a stereo and CD's that the couple enjoys. There is no need for a DJ or a surround sound system. This will be a fabulous way to take the first dance and enjoy each other with a stress free day.
A couple does not need a lavish wedding to have excellent memories and have a good time. The most
important aspect of this type of affair is togetherness and love. With the couple's friends and
family, the wedding will be a perfect experience.