How to Get Past the Guy Guarding Sunnyshore on Pokemon Pearl DS
- 1). Visit Mt. Coronet via the cave entrance on route 207 east of Oreburgh City.
- 2). Climb three levels to the top of Mt. Coronet and challenge Command Mars, Commander Jupiter and Boss Cyrus of Team Galactic to one final battle.
- 3). Defeat Team Galactic, then exit Mt. Coronet.
- 4). Fly to Veilstone City and travel south along Route 214 until you come to the Seven Stars restaurant at Valor Lakefront. To the east lies Route 222.
- 5). Walk to the entrance of Route 222 to see that the man blocking it has left. You are now free to use 222 to reach Sunyshore City on the eastern edge of the Sinnoh region.