How to Arrange Clothes in a Wardrobe
- 1). Take everything out of your wardrobe and sort though your clothing piece by piece. Get rid of items that are out of style, in need of repair and that no longer fit. If you're in doubt about a piece, try it on and be brutally honest with yourself about whether you will ever wear it again.
- 2). Ensure that you have enough hangers for the remaining items. Having too few hangers encourages you to toss items in the bottom of the wardrobe and begin the clutter all over again. Invest in a variety of hangers such as wooden, plastic, padded, skirt and trouser versions.
- 3). Decide on an organizational plan for the clothes that you keep. You can sort your clothes by type, color, occasion or any other method that makes you happy. As long as there is a method to your madness that enables you to locate the item you want when you need it, that's all that matters.
- 4). Ensure that each item is clean, pressed and in good repair before you hang it back in your wardrobe. There's no reason to return the blouse with the missing button to the wardrobe. You'll just pull it out one day to wear it, only to discover that it's in a state of disrepair. Create a pile of mending for items that need your attention that you don't want to part with, and repair them immediately.
- 5). Insert shoe organizers into the bottom of your wardrobe, and place your shoes in them. There's nothing worse than sorting through a jumble of shoes when you're in a hurry and pulling out one mismatched pair after another. It will also keep you from leaving the house with one navy pump and one black pump, and incurring the embarrassment that wearing two different shoes causes.
- 6). Fold and stack items that lose their shape when on hangers. Hanger bumps are not an attractive look for work or play. Neatly fold sweaters and other items that tend to pull too heavily when placed on a hanger, and place them on shelves in your wardrobe or store them in dresser drawers.