Why Is A Trestle Table Perfect For Car Boot Sales?
You guessed it: a Trestle Table.
It"s difficult to hold a car boot when you have nothing to display your goods on. Despite the name, not many people hold them directly from the back of their car. They always have a table full of goodies arranged so they can easily be seen and examined by potential buyers.
When you see the typical stall they"re usually set out on one or two trestle tables, each stretched out to full length. Some even have three or four, allowing for their stalls to circle around them. The question is, with all their products and all their tables, how do they manage to fit them in their car?
Many modern trestle tables have a folding design, allowing for the legs to be tucked away and the actual table to be folded in half. This brings a 6ft trestle table down to 3ft and a manageable size to squeeze into the back of a car and transported to any destination. And once there, they are easy to unfold and erect, and offer a copious amount of space to arrange your display.
With the right trestle table your display can look ten times more appealing, drawing in potential buyers and making you sales. We all know that if you pass a stall that looks like it hasn"t been set out properly, is a mess, or you have to route through a pile of rubbish in hopes that your bargain is there, then you"re not really interested. Most people tend to walk on and bypass it.
To attract buyers, you need to catch their eye "" and that"s down to your display. Set it out nicely so that your products can be clearly seen and can call potential buyers through the crowd, and the people will come. A stall that"s pleasing to the eye will draw in the punters as opposed to one that"s not.
And with the right trestle table, your display can benefit a huge amount. And they will also benefit you, making your life and the job of transporting them and storing them so much easier.