How To Build A Bigger Chest - Discover 4 Great Techniques
Ive had problems with lagging pec muscles, so I'm going to tell you in this article how to build a bigger chest.
You should only concern yourself with growing a bigger chest when you have some training experience behind you!Only when you have added a few stone of muscle to your frame and gained lots a strength should you worry about lagging parts.
If you do not have a lot of training experience - check out the link to my review of routines at the bottom of this page.
OK, first I'm going to cover the basics - the things you must have nailed already to even concern yourself with finer details like building your chest up.
Make sure you diet is in order! This is the absolute most important factor in your progress, if you are not gaining weight and strength then your diet needs looking at.
Concentrate on compound lifts!Compounds pack on muscle to your body and provide the most 'bang for buck'.
Don't worry about isolations for now.
Put the following techniques into practice and your chest should explode like mine did! --Vary your routine! Adaptation will set in after 4 or so weeks, to continually make progress you will need to provide a new stimulus to the muscles.
Make a list of all chest exercises and rotate every 4 weeks.
--Focus on Time Under Tension (TUT).
TUT is the amount of time your muscles are under tension during the lift, lift slowly in the higher rep range and try not to let the muscle loose tension.
You may have to reduce your range of motion to do this.
--Mix up your reps.
Just like the actual exercises - you should vary your rep range - I recommend doing this every week.
Try cycling the following ranges: (5X5, 3X10, 4X6, 8X3, 3X3).
--Work the chest twice a week.
Now this really made the difference to my progress.
I now work my chest twice a week - once hard and the other half the volume of the hard session.
Try three exercises for chest on Monday, then 1 exercise for chest on Friday (remember to work the rest of your body!).
I hope these tips have been useful, I'm confident if you implement all the above techniques you will see some definite progress in you chest.