Gundam Seed Phase 01
Earth seems to have all the modern vehicles, (tanks, planes and other war vehicle) whereas Plant has mobile suits (humanoid robots, and canine like robots).
Kira Yamato, who seems to be a bit of a techno whiz.
Watching his robotic bird, Torii, he has a flashback, where someone assures him there will not be a war between Plant and Earth.
His friends, who tell him that Professor Kato is requesting his help, again, jolt him out of his reverie.
Note: Kira lives on a neutral colony, Heliopolis.
Meanwhile, an invasion of the colony is being prepared, seemingly to take earth's new mobile weapons.
Back on the colony, Kira and his friends bump into Flay Allster, whom Kira has a crush on.
At the lab, Kira spots a blonde haired girl wearing a beret, who is the professor's guest.
Back in space, two Zaft ships, Vesalius and Wateo begin the invasion.
Alarms go off in the lab, telling everyone to evacuate.
The blond haired girl goes off in another direction, and Kira follows her.
They stumble onto a firefight between Zaft forces and the Earth soldiers.
After managing to get the girl to an escape pod, Kira heads off to find another.
He then helps out one of the earth soldiers, which results in a confrontation between him and his childhood friend, who is now a Zaft soldier.
Athrun (the Zaft soldier) hesitates when he sees Kira, and when threaten by the last Earth soldier, he gets into one of the Gundams (Aegis) Kira and the soldier climb into the Strike Gundam.
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