How To Better Secure Your Doors
Windows are a lot harder to maneuver around and are too messy and noisy to destroy, whereas a door can be taken down through several means, including breaking it down or picking the lock.
How to stop burglars to break down your door You can have the best type of lock out there, if it's installed on a flimsy door, it won't stop a burglar with a moderately powerful kick to break it down.
That's why a door is as secure as the quality of the lock, combined with the quality of the material it's made from.
Hollow core doors won't be too much of a problem for most burglars, but if you replace them with solid timber, solid core or metal doors you'll have a defeated burglar with a hurting leg.
How to stop burglars to bypass your door's lock Although there are many types of locks you can pick from, the most common and powerful ones are mortise locks, deadlocks and rimlocks.
Mortise locks A mortise lock's main advantage is that it's near impossible to be forced away from the door, so unless you're dealing with a highly skilled lock picking burglar a mortise lock is a showstopper for them.
They come with different lock levers and if you want one that's also hard to pick, you should go for a mortise lock that has a minimum of 5-6 lock levers.
Some of the most advanced mortise locks use cylinder locks which are virtually impossible to pick.
Deadlocks Deadlocks are not a new concept to home security, but modern models are some of the most sought-after today.
Deadlocks can be locked from both inside and outside and they are practically impossible to open without a key.
The advantage to this is that even if a burglar enters your home through, say, a window, when he will rush to the door to escape, he will find it impossible to open, giving you or the police more time to capture him (or it will stop him from escaping with your larger, expensive possessions that cannot be taken out through the same window he got in through).
Rimlocks Rimlocks cannot be compared to mortise or deadlocks in terms of security, but they are a cheaper, easier to install alternative.
Most modern rimlocks use double cylinder entrance technology which makes them quite hard to lock pick, but they can be easily forced out from the door frame.
If your home security budget doesn't allow you to get a quality deadlock or mortise lock, then a rimlock might be a more affordable option.
In conclusion, let me just say that although securing your door frame and lock may be enough to stop a burglar from entering your home that way, you can still have additional protection by using wireless or hardwired home security alarms on your doors.
Whenever the alarms are set and a door opens, it will trigger, sending the alarm signal to the nearest police station and also scaring the burglar away with the noise.
If you get all these three elements together, there's no need to worry about someone breaking into your home through a door.