How to Obtain a Service Dog for a Disabled Person in Antelope Valley, California
- 1). Find a facility that trains service dogs that cater to your specific service need. There are many of these training programs all over the United States. This is one step where you may want to search outside of Antelope Valley, because there is a great variety of service dog providers in the state of California, the northwest region of the U.S., and even the whole country. A list of California area training programs can be found in the resources section of this article (Resource 1).
- 2). Apply for a service dog from the program. Each program has slightly different requirements and some, but not all, have fees for obtaining the dog. This step can take up to one year, as service dog trainers try to select the right dog for you, which requires time and specialized training. Be patient and you will be matched with a dog very compatible with you.
- 3). Meet the requirements of the service dog program. Some programs require you to show proof of your disability, or to visit its facility for a week or two for instructions and training before bringing the dog home. Once you have completed the training program's requirements, bring your service dog home with you to Antelope Valley.
- 4). Go to the nearest animal control facility, which for Antelope Valley is Animal Care and Control in Los Angeles County. At this facility, you will fill out a licensing form regarding your service dog. The law in this county prevents you from being charged for the license. You will also need to sign an affidavit stating that you are disabled and that your dog is a service dog. Once you complete this paperwork, you will receive a service dog ID tag for your dog to wear. This is the only legal step required, as California law does not require any further certification of service dogs beyond the license.