How to Make Boxes Out of Paper
- 1). Start with six clean sheets of square paper. The paper must be square (not rectangular) and must all be the same size. If your paper has a pattern on one side, put the side that you want to show face down on the table.
- 2). Fold the piece of paper in half, with the pattern or color side (if you have one) on the outside. Make a clean, strong crease. Fold it perfectly in half by lining one edge directly on top of the opposite edge. After you've made your crease, unfold it again -- pattern side down still.
- 3). Check that the crease is vertical in the middle of the paper in front of you. Take one side of the paper and fold it in to line up the edge with the middle crease. Fold it down and make a nice crease. Do that with the other side of the paper as well. When you unfold it, your paper should now be split into four even columns by three clean creases.
- 4). Grab the top left-hand corner and fold it in. Line it up with the nearest crease, and crease it. Make sure it's the top left, every time. Also do this with the bottom-right corner. Leave these creased and folded. These are called the "little corners."
- 5). Fold the columns back in, keeping the little corners folded in.
- 6). Grab the bottom left-hand corner, fold it up to the edge and crease. Fold the top-right corner down the same way. These are the "big corners."
- 7). Unfold the big corners and the right column. Fold the bottom big corner back to where it was, and fold the right column over it, leaving the little corner folded and forming a point.
- 8). Grab the top big corner, and tuck it under the top little corner.
- 9). Your paper should now look like a rhombus shape with a diagonal cross of edges in the middle. Flip it over.
- 10
Grab one of the arms of your rhombus and fold it up, lining its edge up with the edge of the middle, until it hits the beginning of the other arm. Crease. Fold down and crease the other arm, too. - 11
Repeat steps 2-10 with the other five pieces of paper until you have six sides. - 12
Tuck the arm of one piece under the middle edge of another piece. Tuck the arm of a third piece under the middle edge of the first piece. - 13
Tuck the arm of the second piece under the middle edge of the third piece, forming a corner of the cube. - 14
Keep tucking arms under middle edges, until you have five sides of the cube put together, and you just have the top left off. - 15
Tuck the arms of the last piece into the middle edges of the cube. - 16
Tuck the two arms left sticking up into the middle edges of the top piece, and you're done.