Smallville Season 10 Episode 18 Turns Into a 'Booster Gold' Propaganda
Does fun always come with high end action? Or, is it thrill that we are talking about here? Yes, thrill comes from action! So, what about fun? Well, fun comes from amazing twist and turns in the plot!
As you watch Smallville season 10 episode 18 "Booster," you start believing that in order to get thrill and fun, a show must have a great story, with some trailblazing action. And, that is what "Booster" boasts about! We had begun to believe after the last episode, that 'The Blur' is over. Clark Kent did a great job as The Blur. Now, it is time that for him to come out of it.
For Clark, all that happened with the Vigilante Registration Act; it became devastatingly essential that he keeps things under the check. Previous installments of Smallville, showed him a superhero, and it didn't went well with VRA. He must bury his identity for now. Lois will be seen helping him do that, in the upcoming season 10 episode 18.
But, things will take an ominous turn when Booster Gold hits the scene. We know from our experience how the hunger for fame can lead people to do things that they won't do otherwise. It's the same that we would see in the upcoming Smallville season 10 episode 18. The common people of the city do not know who The Blur is.
Booster Gold will be seen using this thread of information for his own popularity. He is a superhero from the future, who makes an entry and goes about doing every heroic deed possible on earth! Previous segments of Smallville, depicted many such acts and season 10 is also replete with such acts done by Clark. But, as Clark never declared that he was The Blur, Booster will use that information. In episode 18, he will declare himself as The Blur!
He will go about saving people, and posing as The Blur. The media would be frenzied with The Blur's identity. Although it's a setup, for them it's the news of the hour, as they don't yet know that he is not the real The Blur. Catch Smallville season 10 episode 18 online, and know what happens when Booster meets the antihero.
Yes, the superhero pose wasn't going to continue like that. One of his heroic stunt resulted in the formation of Blue Beetle, who goes all ballistic and creates havoc in Metropolis. If Booster Gold was behaving as a superhero for fame, he would face the real horror, and must stand against it. Catch the thrilling episode to find out if Booster really becomes The Blur, or if it comes down to the master (Clark) to save the city. No matter what happens, our anxiety to watch Smallville season 10 full episodes will only be enlivened.